Collection: Sandra Wright

Sandra was born in Colombia South America,  working as a Math and Physics teacher before moving to the United States in 1998. However her true love has been painting and drawing since she was little much to the dislike of her mother.
Under the guidance of prestigious and talented  artist Mary Ekroos in Maryland,  who has been her friend and mentor  for the last ten years Sandra has become a full time artist. Mary and  her husband Ray Ekroos like a family for her. You can access Mary's website here:
Sandra is a member of various art societies including the Appalachian Pastel Society and the Portrait Society of America.
Her work has been display in numerous art galleries in Maryland and West Virginia where she presently resides, including the Lu-Ev gallery in Easton, MD, the Tamarack  Artisan Gallery in Beckely, WV as well as the Culture Center in Charleston, Mountain Made Gallery, Buxton Gallery in Thomas, WV, Eye for the Art Gallery and The Gallery Shop in Oakland, MD

Artist Statement

Sandra Wright is a Colombian self-thought born artist, who has resided in the United States since 1998. Physics and Math teacher in her native Country, she is now a full-time artist, currently living in Charleston, WV.  Former member of the Dorchester Center for the Arts in Maryland, the Appalachian Pastel Society in North Carolina and a current member of American Portrait Society. Sandra is passionate about portraits and landscapes; she uses various mediums to capture the breathtaking beauty of the North America.

Winner of multiple awards and ribbons in Maryland and West Virginia, her work have been shown at the Culture Center at the Capitol Complex in Charleston, WV, Chesapeake College in Maryland including galleries in Virginia and the West Virginia panhandle.  Winner of 2015 Best of West Virginia Show at the Tamarack, she focuses some of her time teaching art at different art councils and colleges.  Her goal is to expand her work exploring unusual subjects in the art of portraiture breaking rules and preconceived conceptions by bringing it to bigger and wider audiences.